View your Imported Contacts

Video Tutorial : #

To view the contact and companies that you have just imported in the previous section, follow the below steps:  

STEP # 01 #

To see the Contacts data that are imported:

  1. Go to your site main menu.
  2. Under the main menu hover over CRM and click on contacts.

STEP # 02 #

You will be directed to the Contact page where all of your contact.csv file data has imported as shown in the image below.


STEP # 03 #

To see the Companies data that are imported:

  1. Go to your site main menu.
  2. Under the main menu hover over CRM and click on companies.

STEP # 04 #

You will be directed to the Company page where all of your company.csv file data has imported as shown in the image below.


If you want to identify that whether it is a new import or a previous import. Follow the below steps:

  1. Go to CRM -> Company page,
  2. Hover over ‘Created At’ column in the top right corner.
  3. You will see Arrow symbol appearing after hover.
  4. Click this arrow symbol to see the latest imports on top.

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