Create Announcements

Create and share announcements to either all your employees or specific ones.

Navigation #

STEP # 01 #

Go to Main Menu –> HR Management –> Announcement.

Add Announcement #

STEP # 02 #

Click on the Add Announcement button on the top left.

STEP # 03 #

  1. You will be redirected to the announcement creation page.

2. From the Announcement Settings, select whom you want to send the announcement to. You can select either:

    1. All Employees
    2. Selected Employees
    3. By Department
    4. By Designation


If you choose options such as Selected Employee, By Department, or By Designation you will get a field where all your employee name will be available for selecting. Select the ones you require. Finally, Click on the publish button.

View Announcements #

STEP # 04 #

Now, you will see a list of all the announcements that you have created. This list contains the title, receivers, type, and date of created announcements.


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