Quick Receipt Printing

 Video Tutorial 

Configuration #

STEP # 01 #

Download QZ Tray from https://qz.io/download/


STEP # 02 #

  1. Download Java Temurin 17 from https://adoptium.net/?variant=openjdk17&jvmVariant=hotspot
  2. If you are using Windows System, download .msi
  3. If using MacOS, download .pkg


STEP # 03 #

Run Setup of Java

STEP # 04 #

Run QZ Tray setup

STEP # 05 #

Now we need to create the certificates.

  1. Go to Taskbar
  2. Click on QZ Tray Icon
  3. Click on Advanced
  4. Click on Site Manager

  1. Now a window will open

  1. Click on “+” Icon
  2. Click on “Create New”.
  3. A dialog box will open, Click On Yes.
  4. Two files of certificates will be created and you will be redirected to that folder.
  5. Open both files on Notepad

STEP # 06 #

Now go to Point of Sale Register and edit your respected Register.

  1. Scroll down to last, there you will find the digital Certificate & Private Key Option.
  2. Paste your certificate and private key and update.

STEP # 07 #

Now again go to TaskBar

  1. click on QZ Tray Icon 
  2. Click on Advanced.
  3. Click on Diagnostics.
  4. Click on Browse App Folder

  1. A folder will open, Goto folder named demo.
  2. Click on file named sample. A tab will open on your browser

STEP # 08 #

  1.  Click on Find All Printers. A dialog box will open with all the available printers as shown in above image.
  2. Copy the name of printer you want to use in your POS register
  3. Now goto register settings
  4. Set Print Receipt option to No.
  5. Paste your printer name under QZ Receipt Printer Name option.
  6. Set Receipt Printer option to QZ Printer Tray.
  7. If you are using multiple printers, for kitchen & bar (specifically for Restaurants)
  8. Also set QZ Kitchen Printer Name , QZ Bar Printer Name with their specific Printer Names.


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