Sale From POS

Video Tutorial : #

Following are the steps to sale from POS:

(A)Point Of Sale: #

In Point of Sale>All Register



(B)Select Register: #

Select the Required Register.



(B)POS: #

On POS screen all your products will be appeared


(D)Customer: #

Search Existing Customer from the top bar over customer OR Create a new Customer from top left

(E)Select Product: #

If your Product have variation it Will give you option to select OR you can simply scan the barcode on the Product

for example; which color of which design

(F)Stock Availability: #

If the stock of the chosen product is not available then the POS will not let you order that product

(G)Add Discount: #

You can Add discount from discount tab

(H)Payment: #

Click on Pay. Select payment method



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