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#76462 Closed - public
Mosha Store

We don’t have rights to change the pixels , please check and send me the video how to enable the pixels.

user :
passpwrd =

Muhammmad Moiz

Dear Customer..

Please share the screenshot.. so we can understand your query..

IMPAKTT or any of its team member.. does not provide any digital marketing services..

it seems.. you have mistaken here or referring to some other team..


Muhammad Moiz
Support Engr.
Mosha Store

I am unable to change the page name, previously the impaktt team selected the wrong page

Muhammmad Moiz

Dear Customer..

Attached is the screenshot.. of the Facebook page screen..



Muhammad Moiz
Support Engr.
Muhammmad Moiz

Dear Customer..

You can simply login.. from your administrator business account..

from which you have created.. Facebook PIXEL..

then you can simply.. go on Left Menu -> Facebook (under Customer Care & Marketing)

now click on the button.. Manage Connection

It open the dialog box.. of facebook.. if you are authorized on.. previous connected facebook business account..

From where you can select… your desired pixel..


Muhammad Moiz
Support Engr.
Mosha Store

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