Is WooCommerce available in SaasLand?

Yes, WooCommerce is integrated and fully functional in SaasLand. You can build your own store using SaasLand.

Is SaasLand Gutenberg compatible?

Yes, SaasLand is compatible with Gutenberg.

Is SaasLand WordPress 5.0 compatible?

  Yes, SaasLand is compatible with WordPress 5.0 and higher versions.

What page builder is integrated into SaasLand?

SaasLand comes with “Elementor” which is a very advanced, drag-n-drop page builder. For Elementor related issues, you may check their support:

Is the price of the theme one-time or recurring (monthly/yearly)?

The payment is one-time. After you pay the one-time price of the theme, you will never be charged for it. But you can buy extended support after your support expires after 6 months.

Is there a warranty on my item?

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